The journal has an international Editorial and Advisory Board, representing 16 countries, including several in Europe, USA, India, Pakistan, Singapore and Australia. The tasks for the Board involve:

  1. Reviewing submitted articles, and giving positive feedback, which would be published with the article.
  2. Acting as a virtual mentor for student projects.
  3. Finding students to write articles.
  4. Giving us ideas and advising on journal as a whole


  1. Development of student skills in writing and communication
  2. Lifelong curiosity and interest in students about natural history, science and engineering.
  3. Major impact on student CVs.
  4. Development of student careers.
  5. Ideas and help for teachers.

If you would like to view a document containing all of our members of the Editorial and Advisory Board then please click here. 

TYD editorial board Feb 2018_1.

There is also a Management Team

Chief Executive: Dr Stephanie Matthews

Editor in Chief: Professor Anthony Campbell

Non-executive Business Director: Frank Moloney

Social media and Audio Manager: Lewis Campbell

Editorial Assistant: To be appointed

Marketing Manager: To be appointed



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