A rubbish quiz no. 1
Questions for A Rubbish Quiz number 1
1. Till receipts can be put in mixed kerbside recycling. True/False
2.This symbol means the item can always be put into the mixed roadside recycling. True/False
3.Black bin bags (empty) can be placed in the mixed kerbside recycling. True/False
4.This symbol means that the item can be placed into the mixed kerbside recycling. It is a Mobius loop with the number 1 inside. True/False
5.Recycled plastic water bottles get made into new plastic water bottles. True/False
6.Can you recycle this is the mixed roadside recycling? ( a styrofoam take away coffee cup). Yes/No
Give yourself a mark for each correct answer. This means the maximum score is 6 points.
6 – amazing eco warrior
3-5 trying hard
1-3 Way to go, hope this will change your recycling efforts
Answers for A Rubbish Quiz number 1
1. False. Most till receipts are made from shiny thermal paper and are not recyclable. They are also coated with bisphenol A (BPA) or bisphenol S (BPS).
2. False. The Green Dot symbol is not a recycling symbol and does not indicate an object is recyclable. It is a symbol from a European scheme and means that the manufacturer contributes towards the cost of recovery and packaging.
3. False.
4. True. This is the sign that it is made from PETE ( Polyethylene Terephthalate) and can be widely recycled.
5. False
6. No
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