How to find out if microplastic fibres are released from clothing during washing.

How to find out if microplastic fibres are released from clothing during washing?

The aim of this activity is to investigate if microplastic fibres are released from clothing during washing.


Plan of action


For each item of clothing, document the number, colour, size of fibres seen.


Pour clean water through a filter paper and show no fibres on the filter paper. This shows that any fibres seen in the experiment are from the piece of material washed, as the filter paper and water did not contain microplastic fibres.

Risk Assessment

Standard laboratory practice only. No extra risks .


Microplastic fibres are released from the clothing and are caught in the filter paper. 

State if there is a difference in the number and description of the microplastic fibres between the different pieces of clothing. 


Discuss if the results matter. What further experiments can be done?

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